At 18 months, Jacqueline...
- knows about 35 signs, favorites being more, milk, mommy/daddy,food/eat, ice cream, pizza, cheese
- is starting to talk, although we don't understand much of what she says yet....most popular are done, bum, on (gone), muh (more), go, and recently buh-puh (apple). She's sure trying though - babbles a mile a minute at times.
- weighs 25 lbs and is about 32 inches tall. (bigger than christian was at this age - he was only 24 1/2 lbs by age 2!)
- loves music and LOVES to dance. Not sure where she got the rhythm from - certainly not mom and dad!
- Has settled in well to the toddler room at daycare, charming all the teachers with her cute ways
- has been walking for nearly two months now, being a late starter at just over 16 months
- loves to give hugs
- LOVES her big brother, who, about 95% of the time is so good to her
- favorite foods are milk, pizza, broccoli, pear, peppers.
- can feed herself with a spoon or fork (although it's debatable whether more yogurt gets IN her or ON her!)
- loves our cat, Scratchy, and out parrot Mojo
- always looking at books or asking us to read her one, she anticipates what is coming on the next page.
- sleeps through the night almost every night
- has 12 teeth, and, as of this past weekend, it appears more are on the way (if buckets of drool are anything to go by!)
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