Sunday, May 3, 2009

9 months - a status update and some pics

Jacqueline has had lots of progress in the past few weeks. 

One thing that's striking is that although she bears a physical resemblance to Christian, she's very different in many ways.   (must get some comparison pics up soon though, because although she does often  resemble him, she really has her own look too, and I find she also looks very different than he did at this age)

Her motor development has been slower.  She's still not crawling, although getting closer.  She can now pull herself forward with her arms, and can easily move about the room.  Now that she can do this, she's much more content to play on her own without needing to be picked up.  She also learned how to pull herself up to stand in her crib this week.   

Her language development, on the other hand, seems to be earlier than his.  Christian never babbled.  for 9-10 months, he was a silent baby.  Jacqueline is a talker.  No real words yet, but can she ever babble, and in the past couple of weeks, she's been babbling with intonation, almost like she's really talking to you.  

She loves her food, and eats nearly anything.  Her favorite is plain yogurt, but really, she likes it all.  She's just started picking up finger foods, although they still have to be small pieces.   Didn't take her long to get the hang of "chewing" 

She loves our cat, Scratchy.  And Scratchy must love her too, as she gamely puts up with all the hair pulling. We've been trying to teach Jacqueline "gentle" and to "stroke her fur"  (while taking her hand and doing the motions).  she will break out into a grin now if we say "Stroke scratchy's fur"  She seems to be beginning to get the motions, but you still have to be at the ready to rescue the poor cat.  

Her top two teeth are finally poking through.   not too much trouble with them, thank goodness. 

She's about 27" tall and weighs just over 18 lbs.    She weighs more  than Christian was at this age, but I suspect her weight gain will slow once she's crawling.  Christian had almost 3 months on her in the crawling department, so I'm sure that played a role in his slower weight gain! 

The sun rises and sets on Christian.  he's the only one who can reliably make her laugh...great big belly laughs that we rarely see otherwise.  She sure loves her big brother and he dotes on her too. 

Some recent pics: 

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